Frequently Asked Questions

9th Annual Painting Profits Summit Chattanooga TN, JANUARY 23-25, 2025

What Makes the 9th Annual Painting Profits Summit Such a Unique, Business-Changing Event?

What will I learn during my personalized HOT-SEAT?
What Makes the 9th Annual Painting Profits Summit Such a Unique, Business-Changing Event?

Look around the paint store... What do you see? Are the majority of the painters affluent and prosperous? Are they always looking for ways to improve the business-end of their business?

The answer is simply: No. Most painting contractors hope for change – maybe even sincerely desire it. However, they do not know where to start, what to do or who to turn to. They lack the tools, knowledge and mentoring to make challenging changes that lead to a more rewarding business life.

Here are the critical elements that make the 9th Annual Painting Profits Summit such a unique event:


Real-World, Field-Tested Strategies: The 85% of our speakers are successful painting contractors who are excelling in business. We hand-select those who have excelled in specific disciplines to gain amazing results. Each speaker was specifically chosen to help you navigate and improve critical business systems in your company.


Peers Who Care: During your Topic-Driven Peer Groups, you’ll discover what’s really working – today! Our attendees are open, honest and willing to help you solve your toughest painting challenges.

Each company has challenges another has solved. Each company has strengths and weaknesses. When painting contractors come together and share their knowledge, owners can quickly discover the consensus on the tolls, resources strategies and tactics needed to solve persistent problems.


Expert Instruction: Our intensive pre-day courses in sales, management & leadership will leave you with done-for-you tools that can be immediately implemented the moment you get home. Our franchise-grade systems can help you gain a competitive advantage in an uncertain economy so you can scale... no matter the environment.


How many attendees do you expect?

We expect well over 175+ attendees.


Is there a limited number of rooms in the room block?

NOTICE!!! We run out of rooms each and every year! Despite warning people again and again to register early, some people ended up staying in off-site hotels that cost MORE than the negotiated rate and aren't nearly as NICE. If you are considering attending, register and book your room NOW! The rooms will sell out before the tickets do.


How much do the hotel rooms cost?

We have negotiated a low rate of $189 per night at the Wesitn Hotel. You will be directed to the landing page for the special rates once you register for the LIVE Event Tickets!


What’s the best airport to fly into?

The Chattanooga Airport is 18 minutes from The Westin Hotel by Uber, Lyft, cab, or rental car.


Are meals included?

Yes, all lunches and dinners are included. Thursday welcome reception, Friday/Saturday lunch, Friday dinner at the Academy Awards Ceremony is included in your registration. You are on your own for breakfast, but the hotel has an affordable breakfast at the on-site restaurant.


What is the dress for the Painting Profits Summit?

Dress is business casual for the general sessions and peer-group sessions. The welcome reception is casual. The Academy Awards Dinner is semi-formal. This means coat and tie for men and dresses or pantsuits for ladies. At the APPC, we encourage everyone to “dress for success.”


Can you tell me more about the organizers of the Painting Profits Summit?

The Painting Profits Summit is organized by The Academy for Professional Painting Contractors (APPC.)

The APPC is an organization exclusively devoted to helping repaint contractors grow their businesses through innovative sales, marketing, and management solutions. Learn more at